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Coagulated Blood August 5, 2010

Posted by troyjen in humor.
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So…….she’s a fairy.

A full on tinkerbell, giggly laugh, saccharine infused, Peter Pan lusting fairy – with flowers in her hair and mushroom inspired dance moves. HBO, if you would take just a second out of your gratuitous sex and violence filled day you would note that the animal you just jumped was in fact a shark – as a side note, say AAAaaaa to the Fonz for me.

You see, HBO has this series entitled “True Blood”, and because my whole identity is defined by my Socratic search for truth…..and good beer, I am compelled to suck the essence out of each episode like an oil skimmer off the Louisiana coast….belching along the way. And, thus far, the blood has in fact been true or at least moderately truthy-like.

Ok, look…..viewing True Blood requires a certain suspension of logic and intellectual curiosity. Vampires, werewolves, were “panther”…..just hangin with the humanoids. But there are so many fun, playful, intensely uncomfortable metaphors that it has been worth it. Vampires coming out of the “coffin” clearly an allegory to my buddy in high school admitting that he really listened to Duran Duran (hungry like the werewolves)…..oh and maybe the gay thing too. There is a delightful disdain and attack on heteronormative culture that is transformative in nature (don’t worry, I don’t know what that word means either – I just like to use big words in random places which is concomitantly disingenuous).

Racial and class differences play into it as well, um, I think…..ok I really don’t know but any show that racks up a body count that can compete with Total Recall is worth a viewing. I mean the death toll based on STDs alone is probably in the 100’s.  Werewolves? Why not! Werepanthers? Sure throw them in as well.

But……a fairy? Named Sookie? Isn’t Sookie one of the sophisticated debutants on Jersey Shore?

What’s next – a luscious leprechaun  with questionable intentions? Maybe a metephysical encarnation of the Cadbury easter bunny whose chocolate eggs are filled with rattlesnake venom? Might as well go old school and call in Mr. Snuffleupagus – I never did trust that guy.

The sad part is, even though the series is going down an unfortunate and torturous path, I can’t wait for the next episode……

Even though, the True Blood has coagulated.